Short Films - "The Old Plane Tree" - Direct Monthly Online Film Festival
“The Old Plane Tree” has been officially selected for competition into the Direct Monthly Online Film Festival, USA.
“The Old Plane Tree” has been officially selected for competition into the Direct Monthly Online Film Festival, USA.
Having recently acquired the Screen Skills Certificate in Coronavirus Production Training, please get in touch to discuss the range of video production services that we can provide you with under current Scottish Government advice on COVID-19.
Very happy to receive BAFTA's Albert certificate in sustainable film & television production training today . . .
Exclusive Interview with actor Sharon Osdin
Meet the lovely Sharon Osdin, star of GOOD INTENTIONS!
— BayView Entertainment (@BayViewEnt1) February 26, 2021
Read the interview below or on our website!
Keep up with Sharon:
Twitter: @SharonOsdin
To see all her work, visit her IMDB!
Exclusive Interview with actor Jamie Scott Gordon
Check out our interview with the witty JAMIE SCOTT GORDON, lead actor of GOOD INTENTIONS!
— BayView Entertainment (@BayViewEnt1) February 19, 2021
GOOD INTENTIONS is available to stream now!
Keep up with Jamie on Twitter! @JamieScotGordon
And don't forget to check out his work on IMDB!
Exclusive Film-maker Interview with Paul Darroch to kick off the New Year
EXCLUSIVE interview with Paul Darroch, writer and director of GOOD INTENTIONS will be posted tomorrow afternoon, STAY TUNED!
— BayView Entertainment (@BayViewEnt1) December 30, 2020
Good Intentions: Special Edtion is available now on DVD and Digital!
Own it on DVD:
Stream it now:
Was a pleasure to film and edit Glasgow's very first feature length online digital pantomime, “A Lad-in-Govan” on behalf of Halo Arts and the Pearce Institute
Delighted to have been commissioned to produce a bio-diversity information video app
We now have a New Instagram Page. Please visit and follow us at:
Another nice little testimonial relating to a community woodland conservation video we were able to offer post-production services for under lock-down conditions...